See below frequently asked questions about the course - Sexual and Other Workplace Harassment Prevention Training.

Frequently Asked Questions

See below for frequently asked questions regarding Sexual and Other Workplace Harassment Prevention training.

  • How "mandatory" is this training?

    All New York State employers with at least one employee are required to give training to each employee, exempt or non-exempt employees, part-time workers, seasonal workers and temporary workers.

    Similarly, employers in the state of California also have mandatory harassment training for supervisors and employees. 

    The ELA also offers harassment training for employees and supervisors that is suitable for all U.S. organizations outside of New York and California.

  • How often must employees receive sexual harassment training?

    New York State employees must be trained at least once per year, based on the calendar year, the anniversary of each employee’s start date, or any other date the employer chooses. California law requires all employers of five or more employees to provide sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training once every two years.

    All other organizations outside of New York and California do not currently have mandated harassment training requirements.

  • How does the interactive program work?

    Our online training is an interactive, web-based program that your employees take individually on a computer. The New York State, New York City, and general programs are designed to be completed within 30-45 minutes.  

  • Does the program have a Learning Management System (LMS) or can it be incorporated into my company’s LMS?

    The training is built into an LMS where managers track employee training. Please contact us if you have your own LMS that you would like to use.

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